Rampart Caucus
Rampart Caucus
Appeal to Governors: Find Champions for 118th Congress Rampart Caucus
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Appeal to Governors: Find Champions for 118th Congress Rampart Caucus

An Open Letter to State Governors appealing for support of a campaign to send a Caucus of red or blue Congress people to protect American values. A coalition to guard the interest of the people.

Congress is unresponsive.

An overwhelming majority of Americans no longer have confidence in that institution to represent the will of the American people and feel helpless to do anything about it. States and the people are promised a Republic that at minimum should give us good faith representation. People, especially in underserved communities feel the impact and betrayal of a government that we all enrich, expecting to see problems cured. We send more money to the US Government than any people in human history. Those dollars are assimilated into a giant government monolith that only grows larger, and never smaller or more efficient. Then, Trillions more dollars are borrowed by Congress, indebting future generations, future families, as casually as dropping gum on the grocery counter.

Rampart Caucus is a national campaign in the planning stages to identify the most moderate red or blue candidates in each 2022 Congressional open Primary.

Governors can be instrumental in identifying Congressional candidates from their States who will be Champions in a moderate Caucus that represents their party message first with an additional commitment to the will of the American people.

Admitting humbly that each party doesn’t truly represent the will of most people is the first step to move forward here.

This is an appeal to you and fellow Governors to lead a campaign in your State to find Champions. Party candidates who would go to Congress and push back against the status quo, consider the will of the American people and moderate policy making to better represent the “affordable priorities” of most Americans. Nothing more.

This is a centuries-old concern that has only tightened its grip on Congress, tighter and tighter as tax revenues doubled each decade since 1930 (sans 2010). The $4 Trillion a year that Americans send to the IRS and unquestionable authority to borrow has become the jackpot that grips Congress and creates an institution where honest people can no longer be honest, who are each trapped in two partisan caucuses, controlled by party Congressional leadership, and incapable of representing a broad constituency, or even offer good faith representation of most Americans.

It’s unfortunate that the following century old words are still relevant.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” -Theodore Roosevelt, Bull Moose Party Convention, 1912

A new party is not the answer.

Our political parties represent only a slightly different notion about whether the size of government either says how much we care about our people, or whether the size of government is an impediment to individual liberty and progress. Yet, we’ve been led to believe that our side is the only way and the other side of Americans is evil.

People are fed up.

Rampart Caucus Corporation is a Nevada nonprofit formed for the purpose of educating people about the promises versus reality of political parties and to offer a way forward to Americans who feel helpless and want to be heard.

Now, mere months away from the first Congressional Primaries of the 118th United States Congress, I believe there is a path forward without changing the system. Americans only need to consider whether their party’s candidate will go to Congress to represent the people, or if they will go there and only parrot party narrative and vote party line. A vote which is rarely, if ever, a vote that considers the will of the people. Primaries are traditionally low turnout, partisan, unenthusiastic elections where a party candidate peacocks away from the center.

This is the path forward.

Let’s identify Champions in each open Party Primary in 2022 to send the most electable candidate who is most likely to represent the will of the American people to the general election.

As Governor, if you have any influence to make your State’s primaries open, then your residents deserve that option.

There’s no time to change the laws of the election system that have been prescribed to us after centuries of law making to keep out competition from third parties and strengthen party positions. Let’s instead leverage the vulnerabilities of that system to send hope to Congress.

Rampart Caucus doesn’t claim to be the only organization capable of promoting this effort. It is the only known effort of its kind. Any effort to build a Caucus by any name, from any campaign that represents moderation is the only way forward, for 2022. Any campaign like this will give Americans hope, inspire us to consider innovation, provide a vision of the way things could be and enthusiasm that gives all Americans trust that their vote matters.

Rampart Caucus will continue into 2024 with hopes of building an even more formidable caucus and trust that a true leader will emerge to further the cause of returning a Republic to States and at the very least, good faith and accountable representation to the people.

Governors, there must be people in your State who are willing to first represent their party, then secondly, stand up to the consortium of donors that grip Congress. Maybe your incumbents are your best people and they just need something new to rally behind and support of fellow Congress people who believe the same. These century old words of President Theodore Roosevelt, when campaigning for change, that characterizes a new party. The words fit very well to embody the challenges of building a new moderate Caucus. “Unhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power, undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new ‘party’ [caucus] offers itself as the instrument of the people, to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler government.

Support Rampart Caucus in this national effort, or create your own campaign.

Ladies and Gentlemen Governors, this isn’t a Shark Tank presentation where I’m confronted by Mark Cuban with the question, “What’s to stop me from just going out and doing this on my own.” My answer to that is, feel free, Mr. Cuban. We have history to make here and a government to save that can serve its people on the meager [sic] $4 Trillion we send now.

Our children and future generations deserve better. We don’t have to settle for exactly nothing we’re getting now.

With respect,
Randell S. Hynes