Rampart Caucus
Rampart Caucus
The Red & Blue Fortress is Truly Impregnable
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -7:48

The Red & Blue Fortress is Truly Impregnable

To make Congress work for the American people, we have to build a Caucus of red & blue Congress people who commit to the "Affordable Priorities" of most Americans & will protect American values.

Let’s start by stating some truths. Or, go straight to Rampart Caucus is a start point… below if you already know the truth and want to see the path forward.

First, this campaign doesn’t want your money. It’s a proposal for Americans to teach each other a natural way for considering who we vote to send to Congress. We’ll use the Internet available to us and share ideas. I’m just getting the process started. My expertise is cloud programming, which requires daily trial and error problem solving. I’m used to making a hundred mistakes a day, I will listen intently and will be the first to admit I’m wrong.

American values transcend party labels. That’s why hundreds of bridging organizations and civic responsibility projects that bring Americans together to talk humbly brag that red and blue Americans continually find common ground in conversations about politics. It’s true.

Parties are ingrained in American society. Americans only know a system where two parties compete with opposite promises. Parties are here to stay. Americans who associate strongly with a party will continue to vote by a red or blue label.

Most Americans believe that Congress is no longer working for the us. Congress people are incapable of considering even basic ideas when innovative cures to root problems is what’s needed to move the country forward. Whether by design or unfortunate happenstance, this is where we find ourselves.

We send $4 Trillion a year that’s already budgeted, then react to borrowing Trillions more in line with our party preference.

We vote red or blue because of idealistic promises about the size of government and whether the government will take care of us or the government says we should take care of ourselves. That’s about it, or at least that’s about all we hear. The reality of 43 million Americans living below the poverty line in a country with the largest government in human history mocks those ideals.

Party faithful cling to a Vegas-like mentality, “If only we can get a big majority, we can make things better.” In Vegas, the casino always wins with “if I can only get back to even” and “now I’m playing with house money”. All perpetuates losing in the end.

We can’t defeat a rich and powerful system. Agreed. After centuries of fine-tuning the way we vote, the system is a virtual fortress against competition. So, how do we penetrate the system? We don’t have to defeat the system. The American people aren’t in the fortress, we’re all out here living our best lives, doing the best that we can for our family and community.

Most Americans are restless but don’t know where to start, or what to do. Some of us say our party no longer speaks for me, we’re not associated with a party, not sure what the parties stand for, have adopted the party of our parent, been indoctrinated at school or identify with a party out of sense of community. Or, we’re simply fed up!

Americans need to learn that there is something else to consider in addition to their ingrained party position or party leaning. The party messages have failed to yield the promised results, but there’s still merit in a Congress that has those contrasting views. We just need Congress people there who will protect the will of the people instead of fist shaking warm bodies that fill the seats in each chamber of Congress now, voting party line without consideration of the priorities of most Americans and only focus on fixing symptoms instead of curing problems.

Rampart Caucus is a start point with focused ideas about where to start and the path forward.

Red, Blue or other, come as you are! Keep your party ideals. All Americans just want to know before we vote if a candidate is ALSO committed to the will of the American people.

It’s that simple.

We’ll define what that commitment looks like here. The Real American Majority Platform—RAMP will set a nonpartisan standard for electing Congress people regardless of red, blue or minor party affiliation.

RAMP Declaration—Americans shall elect Congress people who first commit to a platform representing the affordable priorities of most Americans.

Rampart Caucus CreedCoalesce to end this mess, with a message of Hope, Inspiration, Vision of what could be and Enthusiasm to succeed.

Candidates who formally endorse RAMP are the Rampart Caucus.

We’ll send the Rampart Caucus, the Congress people with common-sense and humility to represent most Americans and neutralize party gridlock.

Let's use the power of the Internet as a Free & Open forum to gift our children a representative democracy.

Rampart Caucus is a Nevada nonprofit incorporated for this Purpose >

Randell S. Hynes is a Senior Cloud Programmer, Father, Husband, Army Veteran with a lifetime of problem solving, advocacy experiences and failures fighting overwhelming odds. About Me > LinkedIn >

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