Rampart Caucus
Rampart Caucus
Know More​ to Make My Vote Matter
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Know More​ to Make My Vote Matter

Congressional Midterm Primaries are Low Turnout & Vulnerable to a Well-Executed Plan by Informed Voters!

Our individual sense that My Vote Matters and will cause a meaningful outcome is all each of us want. That has eroded for decades and may never have existed for young voters. Our vote has been relegated to dutifully selecting one of two candidates by party label. Little more.

For our entire lives we’ve relied on the messages of each major Party to translate to policy that works in the interest of the American people. The competing party platforms are summarized by the size of government being reflective of our compassion for people versus a smaller government that is more fiscally responsible and allows people to self-determine.

It’s obvious to all of us that the government is the largest one in history, assimilates every tax dollar and there are 43 million Americans living in poverty. That’s where we are terminally stuck, 21 years into the 21st Century.

We see that each of the messages that we’ve voted for our entire lives have fallen woefully short. Without meaningful outcomes American votes have lost value to most Americans.

This is where I am on my American journey. If you’re like me, then you’re fed up and just want more common-sense and humility in Congress to represent the affordable priorities of most Americans. Most of us like a little from each side, embrace the same American values and want the same equality of opportunity that cohesive policy and economic certainty can promote.

No one represents American interests over political interests in Congress. Not even your Congressperson or Senator. They’re seemingly incapable and despite good intentions and modest actions are trapped by the system. The Congressional agenda is controlled by one person in both chambers, the respective majority leaders, and focuses entirely on supporting political interest and majority control of the chambers. The will of most American people rarely, if ever influences agenda or policy.

Make “My Vote Matter” by Considering Candidates Who Are Likely to be Representative of Most Americans

Anticipate the Potential of a Coalition of Red & Blue Moderates, Who Can Control Congressional Agenda to Protect the Affordable Priorities of Most Americans

Making “My Vote Matter” could be as basic as voting for a Congressional candidate who is likely to caucus as a red or blue moderate, in order to positively influence control of the agenda over the majority leader in each chamber. Voters would need to anticipate that other voters are of a like mind, know the rules for participating in their State’s Primary election, then just as important to the process, a candidate would be encouraged to run by anticipating that voters would turnout motivated to nominate a more representative candidate for the November 8th election.

Matthew Yglesias and Steven Teles, in a recent The Atlantic article, A Moderate Proposal make a case for a coalition of red and blue Congressmembers who could control the agenda and move the Senate forward. They appropriately call the group a “Fulcrum”.

Lee Drutman says in “Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America” that Congress was more responsive before the Civil Rights Bill of 1965 because of a Moderate red and blue membership that he calls “Shadow Parties”. The Republican and Democratic Parties as four parties. The shadow parties were red or blue moderates who identified with their party and who also considered the interests of their constituency. They moderated the debate. (Mr. Drutman hasn’t endorsed this solution. He is more in favor of Proportional Representation)

Joseph Manchin and Kirsten Sinema, Moderate Democratic Senators, became pivotal (a fulcrum) recently. Their pushback was disruptive to bills from the Democratic Party. Their positions forced the two sides to have conversations that would’ve never occurred otherwise. It was not surprising that they were characterized through social media and corporate news as being extremists for their center position.

Congressional Midterm Primaries are Low Turnout & Vulnerable to a Well-Executed Plan by Informed Voters!

A Plan to Influence Control of 118th Congressional Agenda over Chamber Majority Leaders by two well-organized red & blue groups of Congress people.

The 118th Congress, with more moderate Republican and Democratic Congressmembers could work together to control the agenda that will focus on the interests of Americans, instead of the nonstop politically oriented schedule and policies that favor the consortium of wealthy election donors that each chamber leader overtly serves at the expense of the American people.

Rampart Caucus is an idea for sharing information that will inform and empower people like us to Vote in the 2022 Primaries to nominate humility and common-sense to the November 8, 2022 General Election for the 118th Congress. Red or Blue candidates who will also consider the interests of their constituency.

Giving my single vote meaning and value and making it matter can only be achieved by giving like-minded people HOPE that we’ll all turnout at the next election and consider candidates who will most likely represent the affordable priorities of most Americans.

Submitted Humbly for My Kids, Randell S. Hynes, Twitter @RandellHynes

What Each American Voter Should Know Before the 2022 Primary Elections

  1. Major party doesn’t mean majority.

  2. Majority control of a chamber of Congress doesn’t mean that Party represents a majority of Americans.

  3. You’re not alone. Half of eligible Voters are not affiliated with a major Party.

  4. Is the Primary Election in my State called Open or Closed?

  5. Primary Elections to nominate a Party candidate are open to every American who updates their registration label. It’s a label, not a pledge.

  6. Closed doesn’t mean Prohibited.

  7. Party is just a label. How do I change my label if I’m in a “Closed” Primary State?

  8. My Primary Election location, time, procedure.

  9. Primary Election rules and procedures for My State.

  10. We can only vote in one Party Primary.

  11. More about each Candidate.

  12. You can Run for Congress by following your States filing rules. Here in Nevada the filing fee is $300. You must be registered in the desired Party before 12/31/21. Filing is in early March 2022. Other States have different rules.

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